Our Grace North location fits the need of many people and we are excited to launch a service at that site. We did a lot of planning and based on a few elements, we believe a Watch Gathering is the way to go right now. This is a new concept to Grace and one that we think fits the landscape that we are in. While it is a new concept, we have a feeling you're going to love this experience.

What is a Watch Gathering? This is an in-person Sunday gathering to view the previous week’s recorded service together and share in community time. Our goal with this service is to touch heaven through worship & teaching, and connect people through conversation and discussion. This will be a hosted event by Pastor Steve Kennedy and a few other familiar faces from time to time!

Here’s what to expect:

11:00-11:45 Live + Video Service
11:45-12:30 Community Time (Discussion, Q+A, Conversation)

Similar to our Grace Downtown service, this service will be family-friendly. Families will sit together and children will be equipped with Quiet Bags full of fun and engaging items. We will also have the Parents' Lounge available to use, full of individual buckets of sanitized toys and a comfy place to recharge.

Are you feeling super pumped and ready to join in? We’ve opened registration a little early for our Watch Gathering launch, so you can save your spot now!


Grace Youth can be found at the Grace North location every Wednesday from 7pm-9pm! Our entire Youth program follows the Ontario-guidelines for places of worship & day-camps (i.e. social distancing and disinfecting), and uses outdoor time to keep students and leaders safe. To stay up to date with all the GY news head on over to www.graceyouthguelph.com.

Questions? We’d love to hear from you!