As we begin our brand new series in James and 1 John, we get right to the heart of the matter with James chapter 1, discovering how to SURVIVE by becoming CLEAN STREAMS and living BESIDE LOVE.
Easter Sunday 2020
Join us for Easter Online as we join two very disappointed disciples on their way home from the Crucifixion, who end up very surprised by joy.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 14
It’s a big moment as we finish our four-year journey through Genesis with the very encouraging words, “God meant it for good.”
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 13
“This week, as Jacob blesses his sons on his deathbed, we’ll paint 20 pictures of what God’s Blessing might look like in YOUR life...”
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 12
This week we discover 14 reasons to find JOY, even in the UNEXPECTED, because God is Good.
Patriarch, The impossible Dream: Part 11
This week we go online for the very first time to explore NINE ways we can WELCOME the VICTORY from Genesis 47.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 10
This week we learn that the ANSWER to every difficulty you face in life is to CONNECT to Jesus & to His people.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 9
15 Pictures of REDEMPTION are in store this week as Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers…
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 8
We’ve got 13 REASONS to EMBRACE TURNAROUND for you this week courtesy of Genesis 44…
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 7
This week we LEARN to EMBRACE the RECKONING ‘cause it’s on its way.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 6
This week we’ll discover 9 BIG IDEAS to help us FLESH out what it means to REMEMBER, ACT, & to not hold GRUDGES
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 5
This week we’ll discover 13 things to keep in MIND as we LEARN to HANG on because the TIDE WILL TURN.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 4
This week, in Genesis 40, we’ll discover 9 REASONS to keep believing, even when life is difficult.
Patriarch , The Impossible Dream: Part 3
In week 3 of ‘The Impossible Dream’ we discover 10 things to keep in MIND as we LEARN to succeed IN suffering because God is at WORK.
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 2
In week 2 of our trip through the last part of Genesis we stumble upon the very grimy story of Judah & Tamar where we’ll discover how to learn to DO the right thing even WHEN it’s UNCOMFORTABLE."
Patriarch, The Impossible Dream: Part 1
We jump back in to the book of Genesis this week to explore KEYSTONE HABIT #1 from Joseph’s life; DARE to DREAM & PAY the PRICE!
Advent: Part 5
The final week in our 2019 Advent series introduces us to SIMEON, an OLD GUY who SAW something AWESOME that just might CHANGE your life.
Advent: Part 4
For the fourth week of Advent we’ll explore what happens when HEAVEN steps in to your average, ordinary life. HINT: everything gets better...
Advent: Part 3
When God is in His PROPER place, EVERYTHING changes. John the Baptist’s Dad will prove it to you this week.
Advent: Part 2
“For the 2nd week of Advent we focus in on Mary, the marginalized teenage mom from Nowhere’s-ville, who has a thing or two to say about shifting your perspective this Christmas…”