This week, as we explore Exodus 2, I’ll do something I’ve never done before as a Preacher, in the hopes that this might be YOUR week to finally be convinced that God is actually involved with you…
Exodus Week 1: Infanticide & Slavery
In week one of our new Exodus series, Pastor Todd will help you learn to survive good times, that never last. Three big ideas will guide us: God REMEMBERS His People, God SAVES His People and Freedom IS possible. Hope this one really makes you smile!
Advent Week 4: Son of God
Final week in our Advent Sermon Series!
Guest speaker Chris Jones joins the fray this week for his take on what Jesus' divinity means for us in our world today.
Advent Week 3: Son of Promise
This week we explore what it means for us that Jesus was ‘The Son of Promise’ whose birth had ‘We Three Kings’ chasing Him down from half a World away. We think you’ll find the 12 points we get out of Matthew 2:1-15 transformational in a beautiful way!
Christmas Eve Service 2020
Grace Community Church’s Christmas Eve Service. Tune in for a celebratory evening full of traditional lessons and carols. We hope this service brings you JOY this holiday season!
Advent Week 2: Son of Mary & Joseph
Week 2 in our 2020 Advent Series has us exploring what Jesus’ HUMANNESS means for us today. Here’s a hint: it includes a RECIPE for trading a WEAK life, for a STRONG one…
Advent Week 1: Son of Abraham
We launch our Advent 2020 series with an examination of Jesus as the Son of Abraham and what His JEWISHNESS might mean for us today (HINT: it means everything’s gonna’ be okay)…
bestEVER: Week 7
We finish our seven-week series in the book of Micah with 5 TOUGH QUESTIONS you need to ASK yourself, if you want to live a BESTEVER kind of life…
bestEVER: Week 6
Guest Speaker Chris Jones joins us this week as we take a look at Micah 6 in our ‘bestEVER’ series.
bestEVER: Week 5
This week, we’ll explore how HOPE can arrive right NOW, even while it’s on the way; from Micah 5:1-6…
bestEVER: Week 4
Join us for Week 4 of our ‘bestEVER’ series, from the book of Micah. This week, Pastor Todd teaches from Micah 4 and discusses how we can draw hope from the future into the present so we can life a SOMEDAY kind of LIFE.
bestEVER: Week 3
From Micah 3:1-8, we continue our quest to build bestEVER kind of lives this week with a good hard look at the ways in which humility can change everything for us, and the World around us.
bestEVER: Week 2
This week Pastor Todd invites you to move away from ‘East of Eden’ living towards more of a ‘New Jerusalem’ ethic; which will mean breaking up with pursuing prosperity at any cost.
bestEVER: Week 1
Pastor Todd kicks off the new series 'bestEVER' with his sermon 'by DYING to SELF'. A study of Micah Chapter 1.
I Did It For The Pizza: Week 5
We finish our ‘I Did It For The Pizza’ series this week with Pastor Todd’s ‘life verse’ (Phil 2:12-16) and a powerful reminder (how) not to WASTE our lives…
I Did It For The Pizza: Week 4
Join us for Week 4 of our I Did It For The Pizza series as Todd Cantelon tackles how we can redeem our aversion to suffering.
I Did It For The Pizza: Week 3
Join us for week 3 of I Did It For The Pizza - True Love: Redeeming Out Need for Love & Connection.
I Did it for the Pizza: Week 2
Join us for Week 2 of our I Did It for the Pizza Series as Todd Cantelon shares a hope-filled redemption of our human-fear of death.
I Did it for the Pizza: Week 1
What does true freedom look like? Join us for week 1 of our new series, "I Did it for the Pizza", and feel inspired to live with freedom in your life.
#Ask Anything: Part 7
Our last week in the series #askanything tackles the age old question: is the Old Testament Obsolete?