Jesus often spoke about the importance of prayer for developing a relationship with God. When asked by his followers how they should pray, he taught them the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13). Join us for Part 2 as Mark Brown unpacks this passage.
Part 1 - The Lord's Prayer: Mark Brown
Jesus often spoke about the importance of prayer for developing a relationship with God. When asked by his followers how they should pray, he taught them the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13). Mark Brown takes us on a two-week journey diving into the Lord’s Prayer. This Sunday is Part 1.
The Purpose of Prayer: Einar Skolseg
What is prayer? Does God answer prayer? Inspired by a bumper sticker he saw on a trip, Einar Skolseg unpacks the small but important message: “Be Humble, Pray”.
Sunday September 19th: John Fairchild
Looking at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, let’s do some remembering this coming Sunday of what it is that lies at the heart of all our Christian priorities and activities. (Listen carefully, because if we don’t get this right, we won’t get anything right!)
Sunday September 5th: Rocky Addorisio
“He turned to me and heard my cry”. Every person’s story of how they came to Christ, is wonderful and brings glory to God in a unique way. This Sunday, Rocky Addorisio shares his fascinating story.
Sunday August 29th: Mark Brown
“How much do you really care?” This week, Mark Brown concludes his exploration of Proverbs 3:1-10.How wealthy are we and how much are we willing to give away?
Sunday August 22nd: Zac Fairchild
"Give it the ol' college try." Join us this week as Grace member Zac Fairchild speaks on a topic that is relevant to all of us; simply put - trying to follow God’s will. God delights when we give things an honest try. Let’s explore this topic together, focussing on Matthew 5:48.
Sunday August 15th: Kevin Coghill
‘From The Bottom, Looking Up’. Join us this week as guest speaker Kevin Coghill, Pastor from Royal City Mission speaks from Matthew 20:1-16. He will be sharing the parable from the viewpoint of the workers, to challenge our sense of privilege and power.
Sunday August 8th: Andrew Napier
Freedom & Fruit: This week Andrew Napier, member of Grace, will look at Galatians 5. Together we will explore some back-to-basics guidance from Paul for living in freedom, loving one another, and growing in the fruits of the spirit.
Sunday August 1st: Mark Brown
“In Whom Do You Trust?” This week, Mark Brown continues exploring Proverbs 3:1-10. In this Bible passage, we can learn from Solomon as he continues with his teaching; pointing towards that long prosperous peaceful life with a focus on trust.
Sunday July 25th: Einar Skolseg
What is Integrity and how can we live lives of integrity? This week, Einar Skolseg, member of Grace, will help us answer these questions as we look at 1 John 1 and the encouraging ideas outlined in Stephen L.Carter’s Essay ‘The Insufficiency of Honesty’.
Sunday July 18th: Josh Cowan
What makes a strong foundation of a healthy church? Josh Cowan, Grace Member, will help us unpack this question. Looking at Ephesians 4:11-16 and related scripture, we’ll explore what the church is, and what it looks like to be the church and grow together in maturity.
Sunday July 11th: Matt Naismith
The Vine & the Branches: What does it mean and look like to have a personal relationship with Jesus? Matt Naismith, Pastor of Teaching & Vision for Church of the City, helps us answer and unpack this question through four timeless and deeply encouraging truths from Jesus' teaching on the vine and the branches in John 15: 1-11.
Sunday July 4th: Mark Anderson
This week guest speaker Mark Anderson, Pastor from Royal City Mission, will be exploring 5 short parables that give us a glimpse of God’s Kingdom. Matthew 13:31-33 & 44-52.
Sunday June 27th: Mark Brown
This week, Mark Brown continues teaching from Proverbs 3:1-10. Part 2: A Good Name Before God: Here we learn about the most important beginning - Love. Solomon teaches it and Jesus commands it.
Sunday June 20th: David Barker
Generosity Changes Everything: David Barker takes us on an exploration of generosity, using scripture and his own life experiences. Find out what it means to be a hilarious giver, how you may draw closer to Christ, and possibly find greater fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Sunday June 13th: John Fairchild
A Call To Prayer: During the final week of June we are inviting everyone at Grace into a special season of prayer called “Seven Days Of Prayer.” This Sunday’s message will give some context as to why we are doing this and hopefully, a lot of down to earth help and encouragement for personal prayer.
Sunday June 6th: Mark Anderson
This week, guest speaker Mark Anderson (Pastor from Royal City Mission) preaches from Luke 15:11-32. The Parable of the Lost Son: Unpacking Death, Famines, Parties and Resurrection.
Sunday May 30th: Mark Brown
This week, we will be looking at Proverbs 3:1-10. In this passage, Solomon teaches his kids about long life, peace and prosperity and some other great points that we can learn from as well.
Sunday May 23rd: Stephen Kennedy
Difficult seasons come with being human. We can't avoid them, but we can look at how others have faced these challenging times. Often, the Bible offers a surprising answer to difficult seasons... No advice, just a reminder of who God is.