Building a Loving Outward Focused Community
The Life-Changing Power of Thankfulness
Due to technical difficulties, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide a livestream video of this service. Please listen to the sermon audio provided above instead!
Fight Fair
Communicate Communicate
Live Love
How We Do Church
Learning to Be Still
Frightening Times, Faithful God
God, I'm Hurting!
Experiencing a Personal Relationship with God
Awed by God
Due to technical difficulties, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide a livestream video of this service. Please listen to the sermon audio provided above instead!
The Shepherd Song
The Joy of Being Seen and Known by God
Live Long and Prosper
The Death of Death
Peter's Plan to Change the World
Message From a Father's Heart
A Healthy Heart
Due to technical difficulties, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide a livestream video of this service. Please listen to the sermon audio provided above instead!