A Call To Prayer: During the final week of June we are inviting everyone at Grace into a special season of prayer called “Seven Days Of Prayer.” This Sunday’s message will give some context as to why we are doing this and hopefully, a lot of down to earth help and encouragement for personal prayer.
Sunday June 6th: Mark Anderson
This week, guest speaker Mark Anderson (Pastor from Royal City Mission) preaches from Luke 15:11-32. The Parable of the Lost Son: Unpacking Death, Famines, Parties and Resurrection.
Sunday May 30th: Mark Brown
This week, we will be looking at Proverbs 3:1-10. In this passage, Solomon teaches his kids about long life, peace and prosperity and some other great points that we can learn from as well.
Sunday May 23rd: Stephen Kennedy
Difficult seasons come with being human. We can't avoid them, but we can look at how others have faced these challenging times. Often, the Bible offers a surprising answer to difficult seasons... No advice, just a reminder of who God is.
Sunday May 16th: John Fairchild
This Sunday, John Fairchild will be speaking to us on ‘The Problem of Love’.
The whole Christian life is a journey of learning how to love. We learn from the “King of Love” Himself. But learning His kind of love is not easy. This Sunday, we’ll talk about some of the problems we typically face.
John 3: Jesus Changes Everything
Welcome to Week 3 of our John Series! This week we deliver four things for you to think about if you want to change your life (straight out of John 3).
John 2: Jesus is Miracle-Worker & Temple-Cleanser
It’s week 2 in our Real Jesus series and we’re going to explore three very liberating and challenging ideas today from John chapter 2 in the hopes of helping you to have more fun, to manifest His glory more fully, and to live more holy; all because of what Jesus does…
John 1: Jesus is the Word
We kick off twenty-one weeks in the Gospel of John this week with Real Jesus, our (re)introduction to who Jesus was, and is, what He did (and does) and what that means for you, me, and everyone we know.
Week one is a big one; Jesus is the Word, the GodMan; He’s the maker, He shines in the dark and He flows like a river with grace upon grace. As for what that means for you? Well, tune in to find out!
Exodus 12: The Passover & The Exodus
We close our trip through the first 12 chapters of Exodus this week with the epic account of the Passover and the Exodus from chapter 12, which Pastor Todd will promptly flip on its head to make it all about Jesus…
Easter Sunday 2021
Easter 2021 takes us to the empty tomb in Jerusalem, where our Pastor has actually spent some significant alone time, to bring you nine things you can learn from its emptiness, in the hopes of helping you experience life in all its fullness this year!
Exodus 11: Planning Plunder & Avenging Angels
We take our eleventh step to freedom this week with Exodus chapter 11; where we’ll discover 12 things you can DO, to HELP you STICK to the PLAN!
Exodus 10: Locusts in the Dark
We’ve got SIX questions from Exodus 10 this week that you can ASK yourself, next time you find yourself at the END of your rope. These questions will help you ascertain whether you’re walking in darkness, or in the LIGHT…
Exodus 9: Dead Animals, Boils & Hail
The hits (meaning the robust, difficult texts) keep coming this week as we explore Exodus chapter 9 and discover 12 things to ASK ourselves when PAIN hits close to HOME…
Exodus 8: Frogs, Gnats & Flies, Oh My!
It’s step eight in our 12 Steps to Freedom this week and we’re going to examine 11 ways in which you can learn to CHOOSE WISELY from Exodus chapter 8…
Exodus 7: Magic Tricks & Rivers of Blood
Week 7 in our “12 Steps to Freedom” series is a toughie but a goodie. We’ll explore what it means to say that obedience is the pathway through difficulty. If you’re looking for some practical ways to make your faith a little easier (through—ironically—doing hard work) this one is for you!
Three Book Deal
In order to get our online and ‘live’ audiences synced, this week we’ll feature a special one-off, and deeply encouraging, sermon where Pastor Todd will take us back to the way he used to preach; one verse straight from his devotional life. The sorrow in your life won’t stand a chance after this one…
Exodus 6: A History Lesson & A Promise
We take Step #6 to freedom this week as we continue in the iconic book of Exodus reflecting on what it means that God promises, God commands and we, obey…
Exodus Week 5: Bricks without Straw
In this week’s chapter in Exodus (chapter 5) we’ll explore some very challenging clues for how to dig deep, when life gets hard…
Exodus Week 4: Excuses, Parlour Tricks & Obedience
It’s week four in our “12 Steps to Freedom” series exploring the book of Exodus. This week Pastor Todd will help you with four practical steps to dealing with your trust issues, by putting your belief into action…
Exodus Week 3: The Burning Bush & the Call
In week three of our trip through Exodus, we’ll take STEP #3 on our journey to freedom, learning to listen and let it happen!